adesso SE
Information on First Quotation
Description New Company (Official/Regulated Market)
Transpareny Standard on First Quotation Neuer Markt (Geregelter Markt)
Transaction Type New Issue
Supersector Information Technology
Sector Software
Subsector IT-Services
Country Germany
Symbol ADN
First Trading Day 21/06/2000
ISIN DE0005493704
Class Bearer shares without par value
Offering Period 14/06/2000 - 19/06/2000
Issuing Method Bookbuilding Procedure
Bookbuilding Range EUR 16.00 - 19.00
Subscription Price EUR 19.00
First Price EUR 22.00
Leading Underwriter WestLB AG
Underwriter Bank J. Vontobel & Co. AG
Placement Volume excl. Greenshoe EUR 38,000,000.00
Placement Volume in Shares excl. Greenshoe 2,000,000
Placement Volume incl. Greenshoe EUR 43,700,000.00
Greenshoe in Shares 300,000
Greenshoe Executed in Shares 300,000
Priority Allocation Employees and friends of the company may be preferentially alloted up to 100,000 shares within the scope of the offer.
Further Information Company Name on First Quotation: BOV AG
Number of Shares in Lockup Period
Months Shares
6 5,700,000
Shareholder Structure on First Quotation
Shareholder Shares prior to First Quotation in % Shares after First Quotation in %
Werner Wiesenberg 24.55 16.91
Stefan Wiesenberg 23.80 16.71
Kay Mühlenbruch 23.80 16.71
Günther van Wasen 5.67 4.25
Rudolf Ulc 5.33 4.00
Prof. Peter Bienert 2.39 1.79
Stephan Herkert 1.59 1.19
Heike Ulc 1.00 0.75
Christian Eigen 1.00 0.75
Jürgen Fischer 1.00 0.75
Gerd Brachmann 1.00 0.75
Martin Bock 0.87 0.65
Thomas Rousselle 0.87 0.65
Christoph Holtbecker 0.87 0.65
Martin Lynen 0.87 0.65
Arne Stoffregen 0.87 0.65
Prof. Dr. Rainer Elschen 0.50 0.38
Jutta Herkert 0.50 0.38
Prof. Dr. Michael Nelles 0.50 0.38
Ilka Nelles 0.50 0.38
Karl-Heinz Herkert 0.50 0.38
Stefan Jablonski 0.43 0.32
Peter Melzer 0.43 0.32
Nina van Wasen 0.33 0.25
Tim van Wasen 0.33 0.25
Dr. Michael März 0.10 0.08
Jana Hahn 0.10 0.08
Heidi Krampitz 0.10 0.08
Emilie Bienert-Bömmerl 0.10 0.08
Walter Ribbes 0.10 0.08
   Company Data